Published by Anderson Press / ISBN 978 1783442324 / Hardback / Not yet published: 30th April 2015

Published by Anderson Press / ISBN 978 1783443437 / Paperback / Not Yet Published:  7th May 2015

There seems to be some confusion about the publication date of this…

If you would like a copy I suggest you go into your local bookshop and order a hardback, or if you ae willing to wait a little longer the paperback. Or just go in and ask regularly until someone says, yes, its in stock or that they can order a copy for you…

Also note the spelling of the author’s first name, if you are going into a bookshop to search for a copy…just a little different.

This is a story of families, two that are thrown together after the death of Stewart’s mother two years ago and the splitting up of Ashley’s parents. Ashley’s mother has begun to go out with Stewart’s father at the beginning of the book and Stewart and his father move in to Ashley’s home not long after the beginning of the book. Ashley’s father is still around, living temporarily in an out house and the book relates what happens from that point. Ashley is very angry. Stewart is still mourning his mother and is a gifted boy, intellectually, but not necessarily emotionally and socially. Written from both Ashley and Stewart’s view-point I was concerned for both of them as they dealt with the transition that was being imposed on them by their parents’ and circumstances. I also worried, not a little about Schrödinger, Stewart’s cat…who is also (obviously) affected by the changes.

Very much about family issues and feelings – a ‘people’ book. A good use of language – and how it is important. It made me laugh out loud in places, but also dealt with quite deep subject matter too.

There are two sections in the back, one a Q&A with the author and also one covering ‘Discussion Questions.’

A little disappointed by the cover – the proof I read is blue with different coloured spots on it, similar to the image above. The published cover, if as advertised is white with pale pink and yellow spots – I’m not sure whether these were supposed to represent molecules but would suggest a more representative image of some sort of molecule would have been preferable. Wouldn’t matter, really what sort….