kmpeyton-blind-beauty-cover-2-800-300x216Published by Scholastic

This is a wonderful story and should really be listed as a classic. This is the story of a young girl who’s father bred horses, but has since divorced his wife. She has gone on to marry her new husband, who is rich and runs his own stables, but without the passion and personal involvement that her x-husband put into his. Tessa’s new step father has money. Her father didn’t and doesn’t. Her stepfather doesn’t understand her and her mother now just infuriates her. This is the story of a family, of growing up, anger and frustration and the tale of a horse and dreams…It is probably my favourite ‘horse’ book for this age group. Black Beauty is rightly listed as a classic, but is so sad. This brings joy.

I should have written a post for this years ago, when I first read it. Then again, I didn’t have my blog. Apologies – another one I missed.