Image result for julian mermaid walker books

Published by Walker Books

This is simply a book of joy, and absolutely beautifully illustrated. With few, but the right words and stunning illustrations it tells the story of Julian, who at the pool, meets some mermaids. As they go home Julian asks his Nana, if she saw the mermaids.

“I saw them, honey.” and she goes on to say that she’s going to take a bath.

Julian has an idea.


Image result for julian mermaid

The pictures are beautifully rendered. Faces accurate and wonderfully expressive. This is a book about being who you want to be. It is subtle and beautiful. Something for every one – it isn’t just about being a mermaid, its about being who you are, whatever that might be – that everyone can be and are unique. A story of non-conformity.

Nanas like Julian’s are, I’m afraid, a rare, but very special type of person. This celebrates them as much as mermaids…