Image result for unadoptables hana tooke

Published by Puffin…

My proof arrived carefully wrapped in gold paper in a box – with gold string. Sometimes publishers take a lot of trouble to ensure you are aware of their latest publication. Other times they seem to just throw them in a Jiffy – and they arrive any which way. This one – was one of the former – beautifully presented.

Inside the cover were illustrations of the five children – The Unadoptables, five orphans – who reside in the The Little Tulip Orphanage in Amsterdam. Each having arrived not as they should: wrapped in a cotton blanket, in a wicker basket and deposited on the topmost step.

They are in fact the oldest residents of The Little Tulip Orphanage. By now they should have been found new homes…

They have been there for too many years and Elinora Gassbeek, the matron of this extraordinary orphanage is determined to do something about it. They have to go – some how.

There should be a term for books about orphans and orphanages – perhaps ‘Orphanage Books‘  would do – this one is very different and great fun – perhaps because there are five important characters – all different… They did not arrive at the orphanage as deemed correctly by the establishment:

The first arrived in a tin box. She was named Lotta.

The second arrived in a coal bucket and beside the coal bunker. He was named Egbert.

The third was found in a picnic hamper, with no cotton blanket, no basket and not on the top step. She was named Fenna.

The fourth arrived clothed in a wheat sack…in a bucket. His name was Sem.

The fifth baby was found on the roof the the orphanage, in a coffin shaped basket and she was named Milou.

This is the tale of their adventures.

My beautiful proof is no longer as it should be. I had intended to give it to my colleague LJ to read – her sort of book (though it has no unicorns, it does have a black cat, of sorts) – and I thought she might enjoy it.

My fish-salad packed lunch leaked all over it.

The publishers have said they will send a second copy – which I will give her…

Read this – a rampageous book to be enjoyed by everyone. Lovely Chapter illustrations too…